paulingford: 3 Unread Messages
hockadilly: Walking in barley
piechotka photography: The Light At The End Of A Tunnel Is Not A Train
Greenpeace Esperanza: Humpback whale fluke, diving under an iceberg, Southern Ocean
An Oxymoron: Iceberg bay
Arctic Al: Adelie penguins
divedivajade: Crabeater Teeth
{ karen }: Day 158/365: Grilled cheese - yummm
Jeremy Zilar: Kepler at desk
Velvet G: Laura wedding dress-0014
jcandeli: The straight and narrow
PoPBunka! 英会話 浜松市: Gas Station Ferris Wheel
John Healey: tent ceiling
tysone: Waiting On Sixth Ave
Matt Burrows: "There are Angels in Your Angles"
martin_jaeger: hände.
Benny Asrul: plate #06 - divulge
juri_kid_a: all is full of love (milano34)
.niCky.: ThePress
dog ma: Let sleeping dogs lie
diyosa: All Hail the Watermelon!
Matt Bango: American Oystercatcher