迪卡: 紅外線人像膚色還原後製練習
bhautik_joshi: kneecaps speed
F. Neil S.: Flora (IR)
Agustin Escalante F: Gulffoss Iceland
Agustin Escalante F: _X6A0402.jpg
eliot photos: Lightning over Tucson AZ
迪卡: 20160701外埔永豐自行車道
F. Neil S.: Coddled (infrared)
atgc_01: Transamerica Pyramid
RAW_GANGSTER: agfa aviphot_400
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Morning Mt. Fuji & Maple 早安富士山 in Japan yamanashi prefecture .Lake Kawaguchi 日本山梨縣河口湖 DSC_5776-1
Fritillaria1: Split Rock Lighthouse IR
eliot photos: First lightning storm of season in Tucson AZ photographed in infrared
byron bauer: Joshua Tree - Textured Color IR
norbertfulep: Sunset valley (IR,590nm)
Steve Troletti™ Nature & Wildlife Photographer: Le vieux Boucherville vu du parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville
ArthurXi: Walk in the park
Heidi Donat: Chalmette National Cemetery
Heidi Donat: Burgruine Tosters
Heidi Donat: Kummenberg
Heidi Donat: Burgruine Dürnstein
tristanotierney: Fast As You Can Go
tristanotierney: Adrift B&W
Heidi Donat: Melina Beach