Monster.: "Headaches Cured"
bengarver: Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa)
Tarcano: Serenata no deseada.
Matilde B.: 02.2007 walkaways
bengarver: cheshire
...*melissa*...: Ten Plus Ten
Monster.: Stansted Park Gatehouse
... "+* * شباصة * *+"...: Wanna play with ME..?!
Ale de Vries: Pandhof (courtyard) of the Dom church in Utrecht
Geoff Coe: Basking in the Glow
Geoff Coe: Great Blue Heron
Valerio.I: Connessioni
cjanebuy: Season's readings
Mark Coggins: Foggy Trees
bengarver: lee wastewater
tonbel: Diamonds
Fabio Tieri: Leopardo das Neves
Muunstruk: Happy Furry Friday!
eyelyft: frozen shores
Glow*: Freezing!
copeg: American Kestrel (with lunch)
Monster.: Corroding Carriage
Monster.: Telephone Line
_qura: zacatecas
xtremepeaks: Snowstorms at Jumbo pass, BC
billyd2: PC287573