Trevor Durritt:
Explaining... IMG20200805
Trevor Durritt:
Asda Delivery 20241121_102416
Trevor Durritt:
4 Commando Group Photo World War 2 1939-1945
Trevor Durritt:
Playing Junior Monopoly P1090177
Trevor Durritt:
Infrared: The Tall Oak Tree P6200079 Infrared 590nm
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover Amateur Photographer 2001 12 08
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover Amateur Photographer 2001 12 08 (2)
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover Camera Weekly 1988 05 07
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover Amateur Photographer Classic Cameras
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover Amateur Photographer Black & White Supplement
Trevor Durritt:
Harrowed Ground DSC07714
Trevor Durritt:
From where I sit (in the shade)... 20220809_132606
Trevor Durritt:
Through the Dining Room Window: Sunrise 20240126_080840
Trevor Durritt:
Farmscape: Bales P1070544
Trevor Durritt:
Through The Window: Raining again... DSC08094
Trevor Durritt:
Jaguar X-Type on Tour: Big Cat in the Long Grass IMG_7521
Trevor Durritt:
Farm Jaguar
Trevor Durritt:
Power Cut - A Light Across the Valley 20230118_202733
Trevor Durritt:
Infrared: The Forestry Track P6260133
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Forest Life 2004 Welsh Edition
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Forest Life 2004 English Edition
Trevor Durritt:
A Devon Lane in Spring P5150026
Trevor Durritt:
Number Two Grandson DSC09488
Trevor Durritt:
Number One Grandson DSC09567
Trevor Durritt:
Canon T50 & FD 50mm f/2 6270024 Dramatic Tone
Trevor Durritt:
Over The Hedge #1 DSC05625
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Royal Photographic Society Journal March 2007
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Royal Photographic Society Journal April 2006
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Royal Photographic Society Journal March 2005
Trevor Durritt:
Magazine Cover: Royal Photographic Society Journal 2003