~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Boat repairs in Mevagissey harbour.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Some of Mary's flowers.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: HMS Dulverton in Dulverton Church.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Mevagissey outer harbour.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Mary on the rocks.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Glastonbury Tor.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Mevagissey during spring tides.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Mevagissey outer harbour.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Cheddar Village.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Grannies Attic Veryan.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: My Mobility Scooter and me.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Jubilee Bridge on the Tiverton Canal.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Since this was taken Neil has had a mass tidy up for us.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: 47 Years Sept. 2nd.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: 47th Wedding Anniversary.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Victoria sponge made by our Grand daughter.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: New fence errected.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Neil is having a tidy up for us.
~Mike & Mary's Photography~: Cottage by the river.