~Tina Louise~: a walk in my dreams
boopsie.daisy: Bee-witched
The 10 cent designer: last rays of California summer
TaraMcPhotography: Urban Mamma to Be, NYC
A.S.I.N.: E, Day 49/365
©DocTony Photography: one more time
Maggie**(In & Out): Heart In The Sky
Sanna R: Lady story
angie McD.: .sugar & spice & everything nice.
AM Sprout: IMG_7745c
boodabada: living out loud
Graustark: Pink flamingo pileup
The world as my heart ... sees it: Laundry girls in action
Denise 's: DM9584039
jwlphotography: Yertle the Turtle-neck
boopsie.daisy: Gumb Ol-iver
Southern Charm: VINTAGE ANGEL