tresed47: Honey Bee
tresed47: Bumble Bee
tresed47: I love wisteria
tresed47: Metallic Green Bee?
tresed47: Beauty and the beast (photostacked)
tresed47: Sipping nectar
tresed47: Flight of the Bumble Bee
tresed47: Yellow and Black on Yellow
tresed47: Great Blue Skimmer
tresed47: Common Whitetailed Skimmer
tresed47: Beetles on a thistle
tresed47: Intricate wings
tresed47: Common Whitetailed Skimmer Laying Eggs
tresed47: Skimmer Laying Eggs
tresed47: Tiny Flash of Gold
tresed47: Life on a Buddlea (Butterflybush)
tresed47: Basketflower with little bee
tresed47: Another tiny metallic green bee
tresed47: Another Butterfly Bush Inhabitant
tresed47: Baldie
tresed47: Juvenile Hummingbird Moth
tresed47: Drone Fly
tresed47: Potrait of a honey bee
tresed47: Yum - coneflower
tresed47: Double Bumble ?
tresed47: Come into my parlor......
tresed47: Honey Bee
tresed47: Little wasp
tresed47: Honey Bee
tresed47: Wasp at Springton Manor