trec_lit: at the park
trec_lit: IMG_20121105_222843
trec_lit: IMG_20121105_222452
trec_lit: IMG_20121105_221135
trec_lit: IMG_20121105_220910
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trec_lit: shot_1303930210188
trec_lit: shot_1303924258078
trec_lit: Lippy
trec_lit: Live with Kelly in Banff
trec_lit: Live with Kelly in Banff
trec_lit: Live with Kelly in Banff
trec_lit: Live with Kelly in Banff
trec_lit: Maren Soffia Anne 009
trec_lit: Maren Soffia Anne 008
trec_lit: IMG_4368
trec_lit: EPSON scanner image
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trec_lit: maren (2)
trec_lit: potty
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