TravelsWithDan: 021/365 THE WORLD--Las Vegas, Nevada 'Intimidating Men's Room'
TravelsWithDan: 041/365 THE WORLD Peurto Vallarta, Mexico 'Enchanted by the Music'
TravelsWithDan: 042/365 THE WORLD Versallies, France 'OH NO, NOT PIGEONS!'
TravelsWithDan: 043/365 THE WORLD Camden, Maine "Union Soldier on Break"
TravelsWithDan: 044/365 THE WORLD Vancouver, B.C. "Life, imitating Art that imitates Life"
TravelsWithDan: 340/366 THE WORLD--Zihuatanejo, Mexico "What was she thinking...?!"
TravelsWithDan: 366/366 THE WORLD--Santiago, Chile "Humor in the Street"
TravelsWithDan: "Practice Safe Tings" - Nassau, Bahamas
TravelsWithDan: "Why I Don't Take the Bus..." - Munich, Germany
TravelsWithDan: "English are HARD!" - Everywhere
TravelsWithDan: "Nice Head, Guy" Chelsea, NYC
TravelsWithDan: Looking at...PART of the Gormley sculpture
TravelsWithDan: "Readers" - Melbourne, Australia
TravelsWithDan: "One way to get around the town" - Bocas del Toro, Panama
TravelsWithDan: "Love the Ballet, but this guy's hand placement is just creepy" - Hong Kong
TravelsWithDan: "Being eaten by pigeons" - Santiago, Chile
TravelsWithDan: "Promoting Naked Skiing" - Melbourne, AU
TravelsWithDan: "Squat" - Shibuya, Tokyo
TravelsWithDan: "Groundskeeppers HATE sculptures..." - Cotteslow, Australia
TravelsWithDan: "Performance Dry Cleaning" - Melbourne, Australia
TravelsWithDan: Well, thank you very much... - Tokyo, Japan
TravelsWithDan: Mi Familia
TravelsWithDan: "But what about the one on the right?" - Palace of Diocletian, Split, Croatia
TravelsWithDan: "Different, yet the same" - Las Vegas, NV
TravelsWithDan: BOO! - West End, Vancouver, B.C.
TravelsWithDan: "Don't you Hate it When they Miss the Trash Can?!" - Brooklyn, NYC
TravelsWithDan: Sometimes, you get in your jammies, ready for bed, and then know that you REALLY NEED a hot dog, even if it's sleeting outside... - NYC
TravelsWithDan: Practicing First on Dry Land - Rockefeller Ice Rink, NYC
TravelsWithDan: Rooftop Mural - Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan
TravelsWithDan: Warming her Hands - Cadiz, Spain