TravelsWithDan: 239/366 THE WORLD--Mousehole, Cornwall, England "Look out below!"
TravelsWithDan: 215/366 THE WORLD--Port Stanley, Falkland Islands "And THIS is why we couldn't go ashore..."
TravelsWithDan: "Low Tide" - Mousehole, Cornwall
TravelsWithDan: Stonehenge - Salisbury Plain, England
TravelsWithDan: Worst Jobs in the World - London, England
TravelsWithDan: Find your Beach - London, England
TravelsWithDan: Follow the Yellow Arrows - PHOTO London, Somerset House
TravelsWithDan: One person's 'Corner' is another person's 'Art' - Tate Britian Art Museum, London
TravelsWithDan: Friday after work: Getting a head-start on the weekend - London, England
TravelsWithDan: Dockside Produce - Southampton, England
TravelsWithDan: Looking up - Ceiling, Salisbury Cathedral, England
TravelsWithDan: It's so hard to find something that fits in this church... - Clothing Market, Manchester Cathedral, England
TravelsWithDan: White Grounds Skateboard Park - London, England
TravelsWithDan: Souvenir Store - London, England
TravelsWithDan: TIL-Texting in the Library - Manchester, England
TravelsWithDan: Scenes from the top of the bus - London, England
TravelsWithDan: Squishy Fishy (with TEETH!) - Burrough Market, London
TravelsWithDan: As if in Costume - Canterbury, England
TravelsWithDan: 'Invisible Women' - Reading that book in the Courtyard of the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
TravelsWithDan: Making sure it's still there - Manchester, England
TravelsWithDan: Stopping traffic for the children - Stratford upon Avon, England