TravelsWithDan: 018-365 No Customers
TravelsWithDan: View from my balcony
TravelsWithDan: Abandoned building
TravelsWithDan: Falling color
TravelsWithDan: No one to sell to
TravelsWithDan: "Abandoned building on the water" - Peurto Limon, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Whatever this structure was to have been, it didn't make it...
TravelsWithDan: Pinapples, a bike, and Holiday cheer
TravelsWithDan: Let sleeping dogs...
TravelsWithDan: So many varieties
TravelsWithDan: Holiday store
TravelsWithDan: Festive, no?
TravelsWithDan: Decorations for sale on the sidewalk
TravelsWithDan: Christmas in the Caribbean - Puerto Limon, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Variation #1--got another good title?!
TravelsWithDan: What's your best title for THIS image?!
TravelsWithDan: 035-365 THE WORLD San Jose, Costa Rica 'The bull won...'
TravelsWithDan: 217/366 THE WORLD--Samara, Costa Rica "Invitation"
TravelsWithDan: 224/366 THE WORLD--Monteverde, Costa Rica "Cloud Forest"
TravelsWithDan: Before the Show - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Color-Coordinated Dock Workers - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Shadow Play - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Backstage, before the performance - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: The Bar is Open - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
TravelsWithDan: Ship's in Port - Puntarenas, Costa Rica