Joe Lomas: Vocación temprana/Early calling
memories-in-motion: Looking for peace
Joe Lomas: Dos generaciones/Two generations
Joe Lomas: En desacuerdo/Disagree
Joe Lomas: Dos maneras de ponerse las gafas para seguir discutiendo/Two ways to wear glasses to further discuss
Sisters of Providence: Sister Esther Newport
Sisters of Providence: Mother Marie Gratia & Sister Ann Collette
Sisters of Providence: SCOPE Project 1965
Sisters of Providence: Novices in Sacred Heart Grove
Joe Lomas: Hermana Cándida/Candid Sister
In Memoriam: Flipped Out: Shop till you drop
Joe Lomas: Una monja, por lo menos/A nun, at least
Joe Lomas: Sor Umbral soportando a la otra/Sister Umbral standing the other
Andre.Uz.Lop.: Hermanas Clarisas del Monasterio de Montenegro - Armenia.
Joe Lomas: Monja y llamas de hierro/Nun and iron flames
dClaudio [homofugit]: It was her first Valentine's day red rose
D-Line: shopping ladies
Heliocoe: Nuns
RedKoala1: Nun paparazzi
purucker.michael: A frisbee game on the National Mall
Joe Lomas: Monja de blanco/Nun in white
Joe Lomas: Callejón en la judería con monja al fondo/An alley at the Jewish quarter and a nun in the background
<rs> snaps: risky business (b)
Joe Lomas: Con flores a María/With flowers to the Virgin Mary
Kenny Maths: Nun Shall Pass
FotoJo2009: Nun in Avellino, Italy