trashalou: garter stitch fox
trashalou: IMG_20140817_124548
trashalou: IMG_20140817_175559
trashalou: Foxes Galore
trashalou: Flickr info
trashalou: 12th of the way there. Squeee...
trashalou: My Assistant enjoying the Single Girl quilt.
trashalou: Single Girl Quilt en route to basting
trashalou: OK, so. Rather than backing w salmon (piggy) pink dots as was original plan I think it might be a border either side of Single Girl block. The brief from my 7yo friend was that "it has to be bigger than her siblings' quilts".
trashalou: Giant Single Girl Quilt block w chapstick tube for scale
trashalou: Oh dear lords in the heavens above! Low Volume Micro Single Girl block in the making.
trashalou: Need to put BIG panels either side of the Single Girl blocks to widen quilt. What do we think of this spotty? #singlegirlquilt
trashalou: Finally am putting together my Single Girl pieces. Do I keep it like this or put it into a two by two? #singlegirlquilt
trashalou: IMG_20130429_122152
trashalou: Ana's bock for Kinky Bee.
trashalou: Ace things I have received in swaps.
trashalou: To Boston with love
trashalou: To Boston w love
trashalou: HSTs for Tracey
trashalou: My Kinky Bee blocks returned hm so far. The brief was "dishes/bowls" How clever are my fellow Bee-ers??
trashalou: Low Volume Charm Swap 5" squares all cut out. (Antique Calligraphy- Lakehouse Drygoods)
trashalou: fabric for Low Volume Charm Swap
trashalou: Just need to figure out a hairstyle for her. Oh and give her some hands. And maybe a face but that one is still undecided. Any style suggestions? Anyone?
trashalou: Quietly chuffed
trashalou: Oh! 1/4" hexie flower. Possibly the squeeee-est thing ever.
trashalou: Five finished, three more pinned :-):-)
trashalou: Four finished! #KinkyBeeBumblies #FQR2013
trashalou: Halfway there!
trashalou: Making Polaroid blocks. Oh yes I am!
trashalou: Colours aren't right but there is no filter for crap photography. Kinky Bee - Bumblies block