George has Confessions to show: after the walk but now it is raining today
George has Confessions to show: me just a day a go
George has Confessions to show: I WENT TO THE HOT TUB YESTERDAY
George has Confessions to show: so I am losing my hair, getting grayer on the bottom and sweaty from my walk
Bill Pusztai: Averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes iniquitates meas dele; 1853a
guywithmonsters: A licorice pipe! I feel so urbane!
bearbrandon: It’s been awhile
bix02138: LD and SWH at The Breakers 2017-12-07_195851
tapemaker: Turkey Coma 2017
PepBear: Bergamo - Città alta
fuzzyjay: Calendula-dee-freaking-da
fuzzyjay: I look so serious
benjiej: Photo
mdnalvr15: IMG_20170809_1