thengoctran19: Damselfly Cyan (Chuồn chuồn kim màu xanh coban)
thengoctran19: Jumping spider. Evarcha bulbosa Jabka
thengoctran19: Antlion lacewing (Kiến sư tử)
thengoctran19: Chuồn kim (Damselfly)
thengoctran19: A House fly
thengoctran19: Ruồi Nhuế
thengoctran19: Jumping spider (Thyene imperialis-male)
thengoctran19: Jumping spider and Eggs of Lacewing (Nhện nhảy và ưu đàm 😁)
thengoctran19: Tò vò mắt xanh
thengoctran19: Evarcha bulbosa Jabka con cái còn non
thengoctran19: Wasp green eye
thengoctran19: Tortoise leaf beetle
thengoctran19: Male Thyene imperialis
thengoctran19: Bọ rùa (Tortoise leaf beetle)
thengoctran19: Big cheek
thengoctran19: Rhene jumping spider
thengoctran19: Ruồi sát thủ khổng lồ trong rừng Cúc Phương.
thengoctran19: She has a cute hat
thengoctran19: A jumping spider
thengoctran19: Tò vò đực và cái
thengoctran19: Leaf beetle
thengoctran19: Robberfly
thengoctran19: Soldierfly
thengoctran19: ID please!
thengoctran19: Turtoise leaf beetle
thengoctran19: 2020-07-31_02-04-13
thengoctran19: Sleeping bee
thengoctran19: Grasshopper
thengoctran19: 2020-07-26_04-02-16
thengoctran19: 2020-07-22_04-42-48