Transmission London: Sexually Transmitted Disco DJs
Transmission London: Puff Punk stands proudly in the DJ box
Transmission London: Player Player vs Nineteen Ninety Neeson & Med Damon
Transmission London: Player Player vs Nineteen Ninety Neeson
Transmission London: Gerry and friend celebrate the club's birthday and her leaving for Australia
Transmission London: More animal action...
Transmission London: Glamour behind the speaker stack
Transmission London: At Transmission
Transmission London: At Transmission
Transmission London: At Transmission
Transmission London: At Transmission
Transmission London: Crowds gather for the Boosh DJ set
Transmission London: It begins... The Mighty Boosh DJ set
Transmission London: The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: Front row madness - The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: The Charlatans' Tim Burgess come to help - The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: The Charlatans' Tim Burgess assists Julian Barratt - The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: The Mighty Boosh (DJ set)
Transmission London: The finale of The Mighty Boosh (DJ set) - a formation dance to "Gay Bar"!
Transmission London: Meanwhile, in the other room...
Transmission London: We Smoke Fags (DJ set)
Transmission London: Skull Juice (DJs)
Transmission London: Skull Juice (DJs)
Transmission London: Disgraceful!
Transmission London: Spontaneoous terrace golf...
Transmission London: (part of) Team Disgusting!
Transmission London: Good Shoes sink lager between mixes during their DJ set
Transmission London: Finally, a photo of the Avant Guardians, as Security hold their admirers back