benjihenry: DSC_0358-1
| RyNkA |: Sunset of the city
bdinhchuong: DSC08573
jstfd: Garden of Temples
jstfd: Kitchen
| RyNkA |: The street
chuotcon: K3__2003-fb
jstfd: Neon
elvn9: Còn hơn chục ngày nữa chứ mấy !!! #type #tryth #enter011 #epiksosick #brushpen #bestoftheday #merrychristmas #happynewyear #calligraphy #calligritype #kaligrafia #typeverything #typography #typographyinspired #customlettering #thedailytype #thedesigntip
bdinhchuong: DSC05319
jstfd: Tonight's moon
| RyNkA |: Don't you feel lonely tonight ?
| RyNkA |: Good artists are the one laughing with their song
bdinhchuong: DSC09152z
coffeeNcigaretes: Rush hour
coffeeNcigaretes: @ArcDeTriomphe
chuotcon: Untitled
benjihenry: DSC_1107-1