tracy_photo: Pretty Red Tulip
tracy_photo: Sycamore Root
tracy_photo: tulip bed
tracy_photo: Oh no! the're back! ok here is a few more Tulips
tracy_photo: Tulip 2; the final chapter
tracy_photo: Tulip in the sun
tracy_photo: Early spring wild flowers in field
tracy_photo: Jil beginning to dance
tracy_photo: Jil profile of a dancer at the bar
tracy_photo: Jil Warming up
tracy_photo: Jil tying her dance shoes
tracy_photo: Karissa
tracy_photo: Alan White drummer from the band Yes
tracy_photo: Tom and Omar figure out how to get beer money tonight.
tracy_photo: Tom and Omar on the fire escape.
tracy_photo: close-up of the black morels
tracy_photo: Old Camera Collection
tracy_photo: Morels are in season
tracy_photo: Nelsonville, Ohio fire dept. at sunset
tracy_photo: Sycamore in storm
tracy_photo: Pam, Rock; Rock, Pam
tracy_photo: looks like greek
tracy_photo: Shadows of a face; Indian Head Rock
tracy_photo: Indian Head Rock Portsmouth, Ohio interesting shapes.
tracy_photo: More strange markings, square with marks? maybe letters?
tracy_photo: The top of Indian Head Rock
tracy_photo: Unusual markings on the Indian Head Rock
tracy_photo: Indian Head Rock face and graffitii
tracy_photo: Indian Head or space man, you decide?
tracy_photo: Same angle but I wanted to catch the light and shadow