traceyquiltspnw: Major storm rolling in tonight! Also, I'll never get tired of seeing the ferries!
traceyquiltspnw: So my procrastination bit me in the butt today. My "open late" PO apparently changed their hours. Your package will go out tomorrow & soon you will have your mini, this card & a few other goodies. #igminiswap #mugirl113group
traceyquiltspnw: Two days in a row of mini quilt swap awesomeness! Thank you Jocelyn @boulanger_textiles for the awesome mini & the pouch stuffed with all the goodies (Tula Pink! ). I've already tried the lip butter and the chocolate will be gone soon.
traceyquiltspnw: It's my #littlequiltsswap #mugirl113group package of amazingness! Thank you so much Dorothy @dahill15b, I love it!!! The washi tape, calendar, mug rug & chocolate are all perfect! My girls can't wait to eat some British chocolate! #iprobablywontshare
traceyquiltspnw: I got royal mail today! Wonder if it's my #igminiswap or my #littlequiltsswap?
traceyquiltspnw: And number 3. That's all for tonight, hopefully I can get it all finished tomorrow. #igminiswap #mugirl113group #lastminuteminiswapsewing
traceyquiltspnw: Block 2 of 6 #igminiswap #mugirl113group #lastminuteminiswapsewing
traceyquiltspnw: First block finished 5 more to go for my #igminiswap #mugirl113group. #lastminuteminiswapsewing
traceyquiltspnw: Hey partner, I *may* have jumped in over my head on this one with all the y-seams. It may not make it in Monday's mail. I'm going to do my best, but I'd rather get it out a few days late than on Monday and be a hot mess! I hope that's okay with you. #hive
traceyquiltspnw: I was fortunate enough to get to hear @victoriafindlaywolfe share about her creative process and some of her amazing quilts tonight. #ineedtoplay15minutesaday
traceyquiltspnw: Happy mail! Thank you Jennifer @knotted_thread! @imagingermonkey's Priority Square is more amazing in person.
traceyquiltspnw: My new display machine! This is not the machine I posted a pic of 2 weeks ago at Goodwill. I went back a few days later and it was gone. I was bummed but figured it wasn't meant to be. This one appeared on a fb group today for free! The cord had been cut
traceyquiltspnw: We painted Christmas ornaments today. I had meant for this to be a tradition, but it's been a few years.
traceyquiltspnw: On a happier note, I found my 2 missing 16 patches. What are the chances that in these 32 squares 3 of them would be Hushabye ducks? #tulatroops #tulapink
traceyquiltspnw: 23 Tula Pink 16 patches. Why 23? I have no idea! I'm not sure if I'm missing 2 or if I miscalculated how many to make. Either way, I'm to tired to figure it out tonight. #notopia #tulapink #tulatroops
traceyquiltspnw: I may be missing the #seamqgretreat, but I'm getting #oneseamsewn for the first time in ages. It's good to be sewing again.
traceyquiltspnw: Since I'm #notgoingtomarket I did my own sample spree at my local LQS today. #virtualmarket
traceyquiltspnw: Macarons from Paris because my BFF loves me. #theyaresoooogood
traceyquiltspnw: LEGO heads! Working in the school's LEGO lab this w week and next.
traceyquiltspnw: Block # 45 - fixed & blocks # 42 & # 44 #modabuildingblocks #modernbuildingblocks
traceyquiltspnw: This is Stella. Isn't she adorable?! She lives at my daughter's BFF's house - I want to kidnap her. #blurrybecauseshewontsitstill
traceyquiltspnw: Day 8 :: gift A friend gave me tote after tote of fabrics from her former business, only asking for 5" squares back. This was the same time the scrappy trip around the world quilt along was starting & I decided it would be fun to make her a quilt of all h
traceyquiltspnw: Day 7:: pattern. Oops! #soakphotochallenge #modernbuildingblocks #modabuildingblocks #handpiecing
traceyquiltspnw: Chain piecing at its best. Four patches are all made & half the 16 patches are finished. I thought would have a finished to at the end, but always sew faster in my head than real life.
traceyquiltspnw: @corilew's Seahawks lonestar quilt. Waiting for blue for the next border.
traceyquiltspnw: Tula's friends 4-patch. #tulapink #tulatroops
traceyquiltspnw: @corilew's Seattle Seahawks lonestar quilt is looking awesome!
traceyquiltspnw: It's almost halfway finished. #tulapink #tulatroops
traceyquiltspnw: This stack of Tula Pink fabrics is going to become a patchwork quilt this weekend. #tulapink #tulatroops
traceyquiltspnw: I won these from @victoriafindlaywolfe a couple of years ago & they have been my favorite scissors since. #soakphotochallenge #havels