sergedignazio: _DSF0355
alfredlexx60 (Soldat Chvéïk de retour): Linz, Upper Austria (the art of listed school buildings of Linz an der Donau), Fadingerstraße/Bethlehemstraße/Pochestraße (Bundesrealgymnasium), in memoriam Ludwig Wittgenstein
salam.jana: Litani River - Lebanon Westbekaa
caribb: Shoe Shine
sergedignazio: Manif. Samedi 6 janvier
Ballyfermot & St Marks Heritage Photos, Ken Larkin: Late 1950s - Brother Victor and the De La Salle Boys Band. Thanks to Aileen Murray for the photo
Matthieu Sicard: Cortinarius_decipiens_sl_MttP0731c_netL
alisdare1: Judaism condemns Israel's atrocities
alisdare1: End Israel's Apartheid Occupation - Free Palestine
seanavigatorsson: Trabant P601
f_snarfel: Bruegel the Elder, The Census at Bethlehem
HEN-Magonza: Marc Chagall, Jerusalem, Klagemauer - The Wailing Wall - Detail
Karl Hauser: Salvia fruticosa / three-leaved sage
radkuch.13: Baltic Golden Hour
Christopher DunstanBurgh: #standwithUkraine. screenshots
The Adventurous Eye: Ořechov 2021 (camp time)
rutgerhoudvanbreda: Belegering_van_Breda_door_Pieter_Snayer
rocbolt: LGM-118 Peacekeeper MIRV Missile Re-entry Vehicles and Deployment Bus
letterlust: Rob Barthel Dresden 1920
Johanna Mifsud photography: The tradition of Manakish Bread, Lebanon (set of 23 photos)
grzegorzmielczarek: Den Haag - International Court of Justice
Panzer DB: Carro Veloce 35 (C.V. 35)
in_future: 小鹿的故事表演,照著書畫了《鱷魚追母雞》
emmily1955: Mein Freund aus der Nachbarschaft!
emmily1955: Young storks 2020
stoerche-bw: Kirchturm Bad Saulgau-Moosheim mit 7 Storchennester.
Black Diamond Images: Covid 19 Vegetable Garden 24th May 2020
Miss Mertens: Kaiser Wilhelm II. mit seinen Kindern beim Leibhusaren-Regiment
ddsiple: Germain Derycke (winner) and Raphael Giminiani 1953 Paris-Roubaix