T.Mackin: Dawn at the Pond
T.Mackin: Sunset on the Boardwalk
T.Mackin: Labor day sunset
T.Mackin: Love is Everywhere
T.Mackin: August 13 2013
T.Mackin: August 15th 2013
T.Mackin: Sunset
T.Mackin: Summer Sunset
T.Mackin: Boardwalk at Silver Sands State Park
T.Mackin: Sunset along the Boardwalk
T.Mackin: Sunset
T.Mackin: Boardwalk on Silver Sands
T.Mackin: Fragrant blossoms on the trees at the Audubon Coastal Center. Who can identify this?
T.Mackin: Happy Mother's Day!
T.Mackin: Japanese Cherry Blossom
T.Mackin: Best birthday gift ever from my son Patrick! Game is 2 days before his brothers birthday who passed and we are making it a day to celebrate both birthdays. I am so proud of my boys and a day does not pass without me offering a prayer of thanks to Him.
T.Mackin: I specifically asked for no snow... Why should mother nature start listening now :-)
T.Mackin: Dolphin in the Clouds
T.Mackin: Sunset from Gulf Beach
T.Mackin: Gulf Beach and Charles Island Sunset
T.Mackin: Duck Pond in B&W
T.Mackin: Colorful Morning at the Duck Pond
T.Mackin: Cold Winter Morning at the Milford Duck Pond
T.Mackin: Clouds over Gulf Beach
T.Mackin: View of Milford Harbor
T.Mackin: Winter View of Charles Island
T.Mackin: Cold January morning
T.Mackin: Sunrise 1.9.2012
T.Mackin: Sunrise 01.9.2012
T.Mackin: Sunrise Walnut Beach.4