toshiroh: 今年のヒガンバナは猛暑で開花が遅め。 As for the cluster-amaryllis of this year, flowering is rather late in intense heat.
toshiroh: 今年のヒガンバナは猛暑で開花が遅め。 As for the cluster-amaryllis of this year, flowering is rather late in intense heat.
toshiroh: 今年のヒガンバナは猛暑で開花が遅め。 As for the cluster-amaryllis of this year, flowering is rather late in intense heat.
toshiroh: 今年最初のどんぐり。 The this year first acorn.
toshiroh: 今年最初のどんぐり。 The this year first acorn.