toshiroh: The fruit of the cherry tree
toshiroh: Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Nara)
toshiroh: Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Nara)
toshiroh: Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Nara)
toshiroh: Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Nara)
toshiroh: Kasuga Shrine (春日大社, Nara)
toshiroh: The Shōsōin (正倉院, Nara)
toshiroh: Tōdai-ji (東大寺, Nara)
toshiroh: Nigatsu-dō (二月堂 literally "The Hall of the Second Month, Nara)
toshiroh: Tōdai-ji's Sika deer (東大寺の鹿, Nara)
toshiroh: Tōdai-ji (東大寺, Nara)
toshiroh: Nandaimon (南大門, Nara)
toshiroh: Autumn Sunset
toshiroh: Autumn Sunset
toshiroh: Autumn Sunset
toshiroh: New Subway Line in Tokyo
toshiroh: New Subway Line in Tokyo
toshiroh: Japanese Custom of New Year
toshiroh: 鬼子母神 Kishibojin (Buddhist temple)
toshiroh: Local shrine in Kishibojin
toshiroh: 鬼子母神 Kishibojin (Buddhist temple)
toshiroh: Green Rice Fields
toshiroh: Green Rice Fields and Mountain.
toshiroh: Green Rice Fields.
toshiroh: ヒガンバナ Lycoris (2009.09.10)
toshiroh: ヒガンバナ Lycoris (2009.09.10)
toshiroh: ヒガンバナ Lycoris (2009.09.10)
toshiroh: サッカー観戦の後の朝焼け