Jim Dawson Photography:
Muslim Women at the protest in front of the Danish Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography:
Stephen is from Northern Ontario and lives on the streets
Jim Dawson Photography:
Cleaning up on New Years Day
Jim Dawson Photography:
Queen Street Ninga?
Jim Dawson Photography:
Vespa for sale
Jim Dawson Photography:
Queen Street Crepe Chef
Jim Dawson Photography:
Jim Dawson Photography:
Window Shopping
Jim Dawson Photography:
Onlookers at the Muslim Protest at the Danish Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography:
Alfred Finley, 1919 - May 27, 2006
Jim Dawson Photography:
Dark and Mist Shrouded Night
Jim Dawson Photography:
Caribana Woman 3
Jim Dawson Photography:
Sunshine on her shoulder ...
Jim Dawson Photography:
Yep another boring beach shot
Jim Dawson Photography:
May December Romance
Jim Dawson Photography:
Protetesting against Danish Cheese ... :-)
Jim Dawson Photography:
Bathsheba -- Soup Bowl
Jim Dawson Photography:
hmmm I think that the girls would like this one...
Jim Dawson Photography:
Singing her lungs out
Jim Dawson Photography:
Post Card Shot
Jim Dawson Photography:
War Protestors Rally in front of the US Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography:
Sometimes you catch the wave and sometimes the wave catches you ...
Jim Dawson Photography:
Walking Path 1
Jim Dawson Photography:
Angel in Fog
Jim Dawson Photography: