Jim Dawson Photography: Onlookers at the Muslim Protest at the Danish Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: Protetesting against Danish Cheese ... :-)
Jim Dawson Photography: Young Ant-War Protestors listening to speeches
Jim Dawson Photography: Protest by Palestinian Canadians Against the Israeli Actions in Palistine
Jim Dawson Photography: Protest Today by Palestinian Canadians Against the Israeli Actions in Palistine
Jim Dawson Photography: Protest Today by Palestinian Canadians Against the Israeli Actions in Palestine
Jim Dawson Photography: Intently listening to an Interview with a CITY TV correspondent
Jim Dawson Photography: First Protest March
Jim Dawson Photography: Muslim Women at the protest in front of the Danish Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: War Protestors Rally in front of the US Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: CITY TV Interview of Protest Participant
Jim Dawson Photography: Protestors .. father and son
Jim Dawson Photography: Protest Today by Palestinian Canadians Against the Israeli Actions in Palistine
Jim Dawson Photography: Protest Today by Palestinian Canadians Against the Israeli Actions in Palistine
Jim Dawson Photography: Anti-War Protestors
Jim Dawson Photography: Anti-War Protestors march up University Avenue
Jim Dawson Photography: Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion speaks at a pro-coalition rally in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: Thousands of people demonstrate against Steven Harper
Jim Dawson Photography: Grannie with a message for Steven Harper
Jim Dawson Photography: Protesting Partners...
Jim Dawson Photography: Hacky Sack in Bellview Parkette
Jim Dawson Photography: Very Young War Protestor ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Muslim Protest at the Danish Consulate in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: Toronto Muslim's protest outside the Danish Consulate
Jim Dawson Photography: Parade Participant ... Pride week
Jim Dawson Photography: TV personality ... behind the camera
Jim Dawson Photography: Marilyn ... Pride week in Toronto
Jim Dawson Photography: Queen Street Ninja?
Jim Dawson Photography: Face in the crowd