Jim Dawson Photography: Playing to pay the bills
Jim Dawson Photography: Stolen Glimpse
Jim Dawson Photography: Flugal horn ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Horn section ....
Jim Dawson Photography: Singers in a Swing Band ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Donovan -- Swing Band Singer ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Blues guitarist ...
Jim Dawson Photography: must have been the lunch Joquin...
Jim Dawson Photography: Slow hot and sultry ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Quick glimpse and a fast shot ... a stolen glimpse
Jim Dawson Photography: Purple sunglasses
Jim Dawson Photography: Waiting in the shade of Yorkville
Jim Dawson Photography: Giving Thanks
Jim Dawson Photography: College Park Water Fountain
Jim Dawson Photography: Veteran for Peace
Jim Dawson Photography: Royal Canadian Navel Cadet
Jim Dawson Photography: Elderly woman veteran ...
Jim Dawson Photography: A pray was given to those who had fallen, never to rise again...
Jim Dawson Photography: A veteran looks on at the ceremonies ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Alfred Finley, 1919 - May 27, 2006
Jim Dawson Photography: Sentry at the Cenotaph
Jim Dawson Photography: Korean Veteran
Jim Dawson Photography: Gracefully aging women vets ...
Jim Dawson Photography: Aunt Mary Kennedy with GrtGrtGrandson
Jim Dawson Photography: Met Tonika while photographing in the back alleys of Queen Street West
Jim Dawson Photography: Up against the wall