vanillalattegirl: puntarelle salad
vanillalattegirl: warm octopus salad
vanillalattegirl: pan roasted quail
vanillalattegirl: tonnarelli
vanillalattegirl: gamberoni
vanillalattegirl: pappardelle with wild mushrooms
vanillalattegirl: at centovini
vanillalattegirl: frittatina
vanillalattegirl: poached eggs, polenta and pancetta
vanillalattegirl: delicious scone
vanillalattegirl: scrambled eggs with shad roe and bacon
vanillalattegirl: morel mushroom fricassee
vanillalattegirl: ham and cheese plate
vanillalattegirl: buffalo mozzarella cheese with heirloom tomatoes
vanillalattegirl: steamed chocolate pudding
vanillalattegirl: grilled duck
vanillalattegirl: enjoying his wine