swaily ◘ Claudio Parente: Un racconto toscano
Nvalcke: cat
Alessandro Degrandi: /// Polyommatus icarus ///
Alessandro Degrandi: Il mare di nebbia
Alessandro Degrandi: “Stai coperto, vecchio” disse il ragazzo. “Ricordati che siamo in settembre.”
Alessandro Degrandi: -X- Sympetrum fonscolombii
Alessandro Degrandi: Light Explosion
Clouds Catcher: Penisola del Sinis
R.o.b.e.r.t.o.: 9/11 Memorial - New York
andrea.maspero: imgd5372-firma
gioflu: IMG_1356
G.hostbuster (Gigi): Amarsi un po'...
lucafoscili: Nicole
alonsodr: When nature colours
Macroscopic Solutions: Blister Beetle, Lytta aenea?, Orange Legs, Coventry CT May 1 2016
elyur: Tartu, NY, 2015
fofurasfelinas: The hunter
Alda Cravo Al-Saude: Tales of Spring
G.hostbuster (Gigi): MUDEC - Milano
fiumeazzurro: (S)fuoco su Perseo...
G.hostbuster (Gigi): L'ora blu sul Ponte Vecchio o Gobbo - Bobbio (PC)
Digital Aesthetics by Usman Hayat: Multiple Exposures (750mm)--- Lots of people wondering whether the plane is real, yes it is, as I mentioned this is a multiple exposure, the plane was parked at the tarmac when I shot it and later took one of the moon and joined them~!~
djwtwo: 133/365 - …and Always Twirling, Twirling, Twirling Towards Freedom!
felice_: Archives #2
castgen: Stairway to/from where??? - Il Passetto - Ancona - Italy.