Purwell Photo: hay lorries
Purwell Photo: Lavendar Girl 1
Purwell Photo: Lavendar Girl 3
Purwell Photo: Strawberry Flower
Purwell Photo: White Thistle
Purwell Photo: Truck Stop
Purwell Photo: Sunken Feeling
Purwell Photo: Wheel's on the bus go slowly green
Purwell Photo: Bush Whacked
Purwell Photo: Long stop in the pits
Purwell Photo: Sam needs haircut
Purwell Photo: Poppy Central
Purwell Photo: Orange Flowers
Purwell Photo: Just Green
Purwell Photo: Insect on Astilbe
Purwell Photo: Hollyhock Flower
Purwell Photo: Feverfew Flowers
Purwell Photo: Silver Bush
Purwell Photo: Sickle Medick - Medicago sativa
Purwell Photo: Round-leaved Dog Rose Rosa obtusifolia
Purwell Photo: Reedbed Path
Purwell Photo: Red-tailed Bumblebee - Bombus lapidarius
Purwell Photo: Red-eyed Damselfly - Erythromma najas
Purwell Photo: Red-eyed Damselfly - Erythromma najas 2
Purwell Photo: Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi
Purwell Photo: Purple Vetch - Vicia dasycarpa
Purwell Photo: Pellucid Fly - Volucella pellucens
Purwell Photo: Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines
Purwell Photo: One of several 100 year old Oak Trees