eternal_forces: Culture killed the natives
alibubba: Artificial tears. (299/365)
mrsoto: 00085-1-S
anders.rorgren: The bubbles
Ming - chun ( very busy ): in Taiwan Taichung . 台灣台中 . 高美濕地日落時分 DSC_4577
miikaela: Red Heart
Ming - chun ( very busy ): In Taiwan Nantou . 台灣南投 薰衣草 in 清境農場
Jones 194: They dont really care about us.. (explore 452)
lalitkala: Anti-smoking art competition by Sandeep (2nd prize winner)
Daniel Bendheim: Pride parade Israel
cybele malinowski: addicted to love
Lorenzo Pasqualis Photography: Shooting Drugs (explored)
Lafayette.: Just turn the key