Tony Touch: Now some folks say I'm too expensive, others say I'm booked out to far. Welp, from now until baby boy pops out, I'm neither. I have open time this week and every week until jan 21st (baby due date) at a lowered rate of $120 an hour. You MUST SET THE APPOI
Tony Touch: A StormTrooper and his AT-AT
Tony Touch: Mega Man, THE SLEEVE!
Tony Touch: Mega Man, THE DETAILS
Tony Touch: Here's another one for show in tell. I know, I know, another fuckin' suicide king.... But c'mon, you wouldn't get this?!?! Thanks to Chase for the complete trust. ( he had no say in size, placement, or color.)
Tony Touch: Home Town Hero
Tony Touch: T-Rex, Party time, Excellent...
Tony Touch: Nature called....
Tony Touch: Ahoy Matey!
Tony Touch: I have openings starting mid November till Christmas. You must stop by the shop to set up a date and drop a deposit. Sorry for the jump, but my overhead just keeps getting more and more expensive.
Tony Touch: It's hard to believe its been one year since we got hitched. It's was one of the best days of my life, and one of the most fun days as well. Goddamn it, I love that @jenzawisza ! Now let's tat-zap each others legs.
Tony Touch: Jens Haunted house
Tony Touch: 00111000011001011100101
Tony Touch: Time creeps up on ya
Tony Touch: Good Luck Brotha'
Tony Touch: Black Magic Woman
Tony Touch: Tryin to get out there...
Tony Touch: Back Breaker; Eye Pleaser.
Tony Touch: deets blance 2012
Tony Touch: My backpack got jets.....
Tony Touch: Well, heres your problem.
Tony Touch: If you get it done right the 1st time...
Tony Touch: Indian gal
Tony Touch: SketeMotoWEB
Tony Touch: Howies leg WEB
Tony Touch: Ash Head up high WEB
Tony Touch: Bachelor Party
Tony Touch: Infinite Art party aftermath
Tony Touch: Photog Critique Please!
Tony Touch: Kanye the Hannya