tonyhu123: My only entertainment, outdoor sketching!! :D
tonyhu123: Hannay mask in progress.
tonyhu123: Did this sketch a while ago,any one know what it is? :D
tonyhu123: Guess wat it is??
tonyhu123: upload
tonyhu123: japanese mask done by Tony
tonyhu123: -skull-painting
tonyhu123: environment painting
tonyhu123: school animation project-4 hours bckground digital painting
tonyhu123: tony photography and digital art work
tonyhu123: tony photography and digital art work
tonyhu123: photoshop art work
tonyhu123: tony photography & design
tonyhu123: 般诺
tonyhu123: tattoo poster
tonyhu123: wow!
tonyhu123: Tony- abstract render
tonyhu123: astract render
tonyhu123: vindicator-logo
tonyhu123: music company logo
tonyhu123: tony abstract design-desktop
tonyhu123: logo designed for church
tonyhu123: army
tonyhu123: web-layout