Really Not Cool: Sunset in Santorini (Thira)
Really Not Cool: Sailboat on the Aegean Sea
Really Not Cool: Sunset over a river and a bridge
Really Not Cool: Extreme bokeh
Really Not Cool: A Christmas tree close-up
Really Not Cool: Clouds and Half Dome
Really Not Cool: Weather
Really Not Cool: These little yellow flowers that were growing near the beach look like trumpets
Really Not Cool: Six hours and 33.5 miles of biking was full of many beautiful sights 🚲
Really Not Cool: "The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce." – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Really Not Cool: Happy Valentine's, everybody!
Really Not Cool: This is what I'd been hoping for - snow covering everything!
Really Not Cool: Where does the snow end and the sky begin? From my trip to Mt. Baldy on Saturday
Really Not Cool: What a beautiful scene in the snowy mountains.
Really Not Cool: Mountain Snow + Pines
Really Not Cool: Some nice #architecture for ya. #rotunda #round #white #airport #Va #lights #skylight #night #windows
Really Not Cool: P&LE Railroad
Really Not Cool: Pittsburgh panorama
Really Not Cool: Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)
Really Not Cool: West of Pittsburgh
Really Not Cool: Over the moon
Really Not Cool: The view
Really Not Cool: You take the high road
Really Not Cool: Pine tree HDR
Really Not Cool: Poppies!
Really Not Cool: Turkey vulture in flight
Really Not Cool: Go with the flow