tonkie93: 56B036A0-130F-4125-9C7B-06CA9EDF3B2E
tonkie93: FFE551BF-A43B-436B-9F28-9CCAC08AD0B2
tonkie93: 7B679C5E-F4B0-453C-B758-20B835E74170
tonkie93: GS & CB
tonkie93: All Shiny
tonkie93: Side Panels
tonkie93: New Tank
tonkie93: My Great Uncle
tonkie93: 1 wheel on my wagon
tonkie93: Restore 4
tonkie93: Restore 3
tonkie93: Strip down 2
tonkie93: Strip down begins
tonkie93: A Winter project 😳
tonkie93: First ride for 4 months
tonkie93: A Beaut of a Shag
tonkie93: Rickety
tonkie93: Waiting
tonkie93: Baldo
tonkie93: Calm Waters
tonkie93: Bella Italia
tonkie93: End of the line for me
tonkie93: I like Brown 😀
tonkie93: Boxing Day Dip 2023
tonkie93: Merry Christmas
tonkie93: Petit Bot
tonkie93: We had a bit of wind