TOMT 454: Young doe, resting in the shade
TOMT 454: leaf hopper on milkweed
TOMT 454: Yearling Doe Sneaking
TOMT 454: Mini Football 6 and 7 year olds
TOMT 454: Outlook Not So Good
TOMT 454: Porkfish
TOMT 454: Yellow Daffodil against snow
TOMT 454: Danger Thin Ice
TOMT 454: Frozen Waterfall
TOMT 454: Mallard Drake pauses for a brief instant
TOMT 454: Watch your step, it's slippery!
TOMT 454: Hungry Mallards eagerly searching for food
TOMT 454: Gentle waves breaking
TOMT 454: Sunset on Lake Erie
TOMT 454: Fox squirrel digging in the snow.
TOMT 454: A Well Hid Crab
TOMT 454: Tropical Bougainvillea Flower Tree
TOMT 454: Tropical Bougainvillea Tree
TOMT 454: Autumn Gold revisited
TOMT 454: French Anglefish
TOMT 454: Tattered Wings
TOMT 454: Turning leaves
TOMT 454: Fox Squirrel in Blacklick Woods
TOMT 454: Fox Squirrel foraging in the snow. Are you really going to make me dig more?
TOMT 454: Digging pays off, squirrel finds a nut!
TOMT 454: Back up a tree, the fox squirrel enjoys a dinner break.
TOMT 454: Cashews and Bourbon
TOMT 454: Purple Iris 2
TOMT 454: Smokey, reformed squirrel hunter
TOMT 454: Purple Iris 2