Arlington Reads: Book It for Literacy!
jbopp79: CARDINALS
jbopp79: Albert Pujols
photo-geek: mystery lights
mygirlrobot: Sommelier with Rose
drewpost: Chocolate Lab Puppy
Mark Halski: Albert Pujols
mfophotos: Star Attraction
hvhe1: Puffin - Iceland
cormack13: No touching!
kschwing: Ahhhh
amandahi: Tom and me at the Grapevine
Walsh: face time
ipsofacto0916: IMG_0280-2.jpg
denn: I will EAT you all!!
Whatknot: Intersection of the centuries
ipsofacto0916: _MG_0536.jpg
vonkale: DSC00635_sm
michael_hughes: paris fr
dag.ger: IMG_0877
Beth Rankin: Jess & Grace