tomsteele: warming up
tomsteele: half of the team
tomsteele: explaining the rules
tomsteele: get ready
tomsteele: get set
tomsteele: team republikor
tomsteele: race
tomsteele: they can't win
tomsteele: yay neal hoffman
tomsteele: neal's in trouble
tomsteele: bracket
tomsteele: julie
tomsteele: our competition
tomsteele: 1 2 3 sanchez!
tomsteele: almost game time
tomsteele: ball grabbing
tomsteele: well, crap
tomsteele: ok we've pretty much lost
tomsteele: synchrony
tomsteele: julie's in trouble
tomsteele: we're slow
tomsteele: i may be over the line
tomsteele: go team!
tomsteele: craziness
tomsteele: we lost to them
tomsteele: worst ref ever
tomsteele: tom vs. tom
tomsteele: julie throws like a girl