tomsteele: keenan ponders his next move
tomsteele: blast from the past
tomsteele: quote boards
tomsteele: future e.i.c.
tomsteele: editing changes
tomsteele: blurry
tomsteele: enjoying american idol
tomsteele: the finalists
tomsteele: anticipation
tomsteele: look, it's kate
tomsteele: new quote
tomsteele: keenan is oblivious
tomsteele: who's it gonna be
tomsteele: kate is talking
tomsteele: kate is weird
tomsteele: well-endowed
tomsteele: frisbee
tomsteele: kristen is leaving
tomsteele: susie and matt
tomsteele: teaching the ways of the online
tomsteele: finger
tomsteele: alex
tomsteele: boys
tomsteele: verde
tomsteele: shut up, keenan
tomsteele: whatever she's typing, it's not assignments
tomsteele: funny face
tomsteele: mischievous grin
tomsteele: laughing