savagetom2008: Zebra Chasing Two Dogs
savagetom2008: Zebra Chasing a Dog
savagetom2008: Zebra Chases the Pack
savagetom2008: Zebra Attack
savagetom2008: Wild Dogs with a Kill
savagetom2008: Wild Dogs Hunting
savagetom2008: Wild Dog with Backbone
savagetom2008: Wild Dog in a Puddle
savagetom2008: Wild Dog Chewing on a Bone
savagetom2008: Wild Dog Carrying a Head
savagetom2008: Welcome to Zambia
savagetom2008: Warthog
savagetom2008: Vervet Monkey
savagetom2008: Tiny Elephant
savagetom2008: Three Giraffes
savagetom2008: Starting to go Hunting
savagetom2008: Riding Underneith while Nursing
savagetom2008: Riding on Mom
savagetom2008: One Lone Wildebeest
savagetom2008: Nice White Teeth
savagetom2008: Mother & Child Waterbucks
savagetom2008: Monitor Lizard
savagetom2008: Male Waterbuck
savagetom2008: Male Puku
savagetom2008: Male Lion
savagetom2008: Lots of Impalas
savagetom2008: Look into My Eyes
savagetom2008: Just One
savagetom2008: Hippo Play