Giovanni Savino Photography: Braving tropical temperatures in New York City I continue working on my "What I Saw Today" series.....
Giovanni Savino Photography: Dead tree among the living
Giovanni Savino Photography: Neo-Pictorialism
Giovanni Savino Photography: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night
Giovanni Savino Photography: What I Saw Today: Almost Nothing.
Giovanni Savino Photography: Tactile Multiplications
Seagreen Digital: Los Angeles sunrise 2-17-16 #morninghike
Giovanni Savino Photography: Independence Day on the Hudson River
paulmoseleyphotos: Dallas Police Shootings
Seagreen Digital: Saguaro Theatre, Wickenburg, Arizona
Giovanni Savino Photography: Scream Back Thursday
Seagreen Digital: The evening view from Black Mountain.
Giovanni Savino Photography: My prison of choice
aaron e tomlinson/unheardofvideo: eyjafjallajökull ash plume ©2010
Seagreen Digital: After dinner stroll...
Seagreen Digital: ...and they feature color TV by RCA.
Seagreen Digital: Deano's has vacancy.
nickbilton: Cevita, Italy.
Giovanni Savino Photography: Best wishes for a better FOCUS in 2014 !!
nickbilton: Dennis & Chelsa
Seagreen Digital: 1994 Harley Davidson 1200 Sportster
nickbilton: Chrysta
Giovanni Savino Photography: How to read a photograph