tom on film: fiesoleHill
tom on film: florencePanorama
tom on film: irishCottage
tom on film: laurentianLibrary
tom on film: man on boat, Venice
tom on film: 10 tulipi
tom on film: Vatican City
tom on film: Connemara
tom on film: die Alpen
tom on film: la Piazza del Duomo
tom on film: Fiesole
tom on film: lungarno
tom on film: Ponte Vecchio, Florence
tom on film: olive trees, Tuscany
tom on film: sumner ave.
tom on film: ackerflower
tom on film: airport (bill and pat)
tom on film: airport (mike)
tom on film: mema's garden
tom on film: flower 4
tom on film: flower 2
tom on film: ameriker
tom on film: that way
tom on film: penfield field
tom on film: the tower
tom on film: out of focus (tower of pisa)
tom on film: the Reichstag, Berlin
tom on film: Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna
tom on film: modern Vienna