45SURF Hero's Odyssey Mythology Landscapes & Godde: How to Shoot Stills & Video @ the Same Time! Nikon D4 600 mm F4 Prime Camcorder! :)
45SURF Hero's Odyssey Mythology Landscapes & Godde: Pretty Swimsuit Bikini Model on a Beautiful Day
45SURF Hero's Odyssey Mythology Landscapes & Godde: Nikon D800 Photos of Bikini Swimsuit Model Goddess in Sea Cave
Emma Barr Photography: Phoenix [Explored 11/11/2012]
Margcoss: Costa Paradiso (OT)
J_Kalina: IMG_20120528_190036
teekay72: Brisbane
teekay72: Kieler Woche 2012
teekay72: Budapest - Hungarian Parliament Building
der_makabere (Cornel Putan): Domul Romano-Catolic din Piata Unirii
©Helminadia Ranford: Perito Moreno Glacier
J_Kalina: Just Me
J_Kalina: "Just Me"
J_Kalina: Just Me
J_Kalina: "Just Me"
J_Kalina: Just My Legs
J_Kalina: "Just Me"
GZ Pictures: Sunset in Marina Romea
GZ Pictures: sunset in Comacchio valley 1
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 華燈初上 - 2011 六十石山
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 滿山遍野的金黃 - 2011 六十石山
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 「南投之美」攝影比賽 佳作獎 - 浩瀚慈恩
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 交通部觀光局「五光十『攝』阿里山~攝影比賽」 自然生態景觀組 - 入圍獎 迷霧中的奮起湖
Clonedbird 克隆鳥 & Iris 艾莉絲: 交通部觀光局「五光十『攝』阿里山~攝影比賽」 自然生態景觀組 - 入圍獎 櫻