MommaK79: I got it!
MommaK79: Getting into position
MommaK79: A little help here
MommaK79: Peek- a- boo!
MommaK79: I cast a spell on you!
MommaK79: Look what I found!
MommaK79: A stick!!
MommaK79: What's this I see?
MommaK79: Relaxing in the shade
MommaK79: WEEEEE!
MommaK79: Tube Girl
MommaK79: Going Up
MommaK79: I see you!
MommaK79: It's a fire truck!
MommaK79: Going down!
MommaK79: Swing girl!
MommaK79: And it's another fire truck!
MommaK79: Off we go....
MommaK79: Just my size
MommaK79: Bartender bring me a drink!
MommaK79: I'll show you the way!