MommaK79: Chocolate face!
MommaK79: CHEESE!
MommaK79: Oooohhhh.....
MommaK79: Bleah!
MommaK79: More cheese!
MommaK79: I'm marching!
MommaK79: Puttig my helmet on
MommaK79: Got some big shoes to fill
MommaK79: I see you!
MommaK79: What?
MommaK79: Let's get this thing moving!
MommaK79: Flower girl!
MommaK79: How does this thing work?
MommaK79: A little help from the cousin.
MommaK79: A little more help
MommaK79: Synchonized catching
MommaK79: Watch that arm!
MommaK79: Do you have to?
MommaK79: Jen and Brennan
MommaK79: But I don't want to stand still!
MommaK79: Visting doggy time!
MommaK79: Look what I found!
MommaK79: Can I really play with it?
MommaK79: The Cousins!
MommaK79: Tractor girl
MommaK79: Flying low!
MommaK79: I'll smile if I must
MommaK79: I spy with my little eye...