tommygee77: Giraffe
tommygee77: Ngorongoro Crater Panorama
tommygee77: Sunrise
tommygee77: Monument Valley
tommygee77: Monument Valley
tommygee77: Monument Valley
tommygee77: Monument Valley
tommygee77: Glacier in the Sea
tommygee77: Zorro
tommygee77: Piazza del Popolo
tommygee77: Vatikan
tommygee77: Colosseum
tommygee77: Manhatten with Brooklyn Bridge
tommygee77: Manhatten with Brooklyn Bridge
tommygee77: Manhatten with Brooklyn Bridge b&w
tommygee77: White Sands
tommygee77: White Sands
tommygee77: White Sands
tommygee77: Scheuchzers Glockenblume (Campanula scheuchzeri)
tommygee77: Sunrise
tommygee77: Sardenga
tommygee77: Gepard
tommygee77: Bald Eagle
tommygee77: Schnee Leoparden
tommygee77: Rockefeller Center
tommygee77: New York
tommygee77: Shadow of the Empire State Building
tommygee77: Apple Store NY