Jaime973: So, how many pictures of those crayons are you going to take?
{ Kirstin }: { six }
Kelley Ryden: his smile...
~aspidistra~: World Arthritis Day - If I could give you one of my spoons...
brookeshaden: rise and fall
franny_cotw: happy new year
AshleyWashley: DSC_0875
drifs: Fridge
HanaS.: wisdom
juguetta: Come gominolas
csema: IMG_4281-As Seen On "A Baby Story" !!!
.Jeanome.: Pure
Tracy Raver: My Elsie...
smcgee: Soda Shop
rjsmomma: DSCF2730
photoranger54: Park Rapids, MN
MinnTim: Snow shoveling time lapse
adrastosno: Lizard People for Senate
TedSher: June 15, 1993
BombDog: Switch-stance 180
drover_e: may 12 - tomato stem