Blom Tommi C: 22122015
Blom Tommi C: 22122015
Blom Tommi C: 22122015
Blom Tommi C: 22122015
Blom Tommi C: 21052015 || 50mm SunSet thru the Canon "dream lens" SOOC
Blom Tommi C: 04042015 Viljami in Black n White.
Blom Tommi C: 04042015 Pyrytzi (SOOC)
Blom Tommi C: 04042015 Berjozka ? (SOOC)
Blom Tommi C: 04042015 My best friend as a test model again, not too exited I guess !!
Blom Tommi C: 11022015 Diego Hoet
Blom Tommi C: 110215 Quentin Maulave
Blom Tommi C: 11022015 Diego Hoet
Blom Tommi C: 11012015 ms. Maxine Sapulette
Blom Tommi C: 11012015 ms. Maxine Sapulette
Blom Tommi C: 21012015 mr. France Login
Blom Tommi C: 21012015 Cameron Graham & Ian Curry-lindahl (doing some filming )
Blom Tommi C: 21012015 Cameron Graham & Ian Curry-lindahl
Blom Tommi C: 21012015 Cameron Graham & Ian Curry-lindahl, Nose Grab
Blom Tommi C: 21012015 mr. John Broer
Blom Tommi C: mr. Matt Tonne
Blom Tommi C: 26012015 ..waiting..
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 ..but sometimes its good to stop and turn around.. and look things behind you.. This is CWC !!
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 Looking at CWC "the true skate park" on water..
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 Rado Hovado (SOOC)
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 Antoni van der Wekken (SOOC)
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 Antoni van der Wekken
Blom Tommi C: 07012015 Antoni van der Wekken
Blom Tommi C: Rainy day at the beach..
Blom Tommi C: Greenest Black
Blom Tommi C: 04012015 Sun Rise at Caramoan Peninsula, Philippines.