Mary Jane 2040: VictoriaAlbertSelf
Mary Jane 2040: the man who wasn't there
Mary Jane 2040: Lucca to Clover
Mary Jane 2040: deck painting
Mary Jane 2040: Quicksand
emdot: Sunset, Sur. Above cloud cover version.
Mary Jane 2040: Almost Kyoto
Son of Groucho: Camera Obscura 2
emdot: We ended up getting a table. On the menu: sand dabs! And wine from @PelotonCellars.
emdot: Windows on the Water. Wine tasting for #bikemonth
Mary Jane 2040: “I can't go back to yesterday”
emdot: Rose like. Succulent. On my walk home.
emdot: Perk of meditating in the mornings: Sunrise.
Mary Jane 2040: Asignment#19 Clean the Bathroom
emdot: 9/365: Cloud-formation Super Highway.
Adrasteia9: Moon, Venus, and Space Needle
meeralee: Ísland-18
emdot: I can't stop with this damn Animal Faces app.
Mary Jane 2040: closing time