草莓啊理想: Agfa CT Precisa 100 Bad Kreuznach
Howard Ming: 四位呀公+一個呀婆+呀婆老公
*6261: *Bonne fin d'apres mide
eyris: Rushing Water
Hideaki Hamada: i saw the light
buradori: JPG Magazine
M31.: Love letters
+pelican+: Selkies : The Endless Obsession4
S.H.CHOW: pink, red, purple... your favorite colors
NPNG!: XA..z..Z..z..Z.....!!
linktoyou: 汤米
:lynn:: mise en place
Paul Swee: aquarium
bronney: tired~
+CHERRY+: 比基尼!!!
yu+ichiro: the door
Yan.Chen: DSC_1359 s
多多^: Tommy
angex: ^^
joart: Sun Moon Lake - sunrise
荒岛上的pentax: walking under the water
moaan: hang down
chachahavana: Stars Beneath My Wings...
ღMayuღ: On a beautiful sunny day, leave me alone!! I am sleeping comfortably. Zzz.. Zzz...
jaxting: singing @ a market