tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Tornado seiling 2
tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Tornado seiling 1
tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Mira 2009
tomhal99: Burn the books? 6
tomhal99: Burn the books? 7
tomhal99: Burn the books? 8
tomhal99: Burn the books? 9
tomhal99: Burn the books? 10
tomhal99: Burn the books? 11
tomhal99: Burn the books? 12
tomhal99: Burn the books? 13
tomhal99: Visualtiles - Communication tools for (service) design 1
tomhal99: Visualtiles - Communication tools for (service) design 2
tomhal99: Visualtiles - Communication tools for (service) design 3
tomhal99: Visualtiles - Communication tools for (service) design 4
tomhal99: Visualtiles - Communication tools for (service) design 5
tomhal99: Qin Han 1
tomhal99: Simon Clatworthy slide
tomhal99: Dr. Yoko Akama slide4
tomhal99: Dr. Yoko Akama slide3
tomhal99: Dr. Yoko Akama slide2
tomhal99: Dr. Yoko Akama slide1
tomhal99: Stefan Holmlid
tomhal99: Workshop Stuart Bailey 1
tomhal99: Workshop Stuart Bailey 2